Welcome to QSR Procurement, a China based, western owned green packaging consultancy that focuses on building and supporting Green Supply Chains within the QSR and fast-casual industry.

With 8 years of on-the-ground experience, we work with the most reputable, technically advanced and certified suppliers of eco-friendly packaging in China. Our service value lies in our combined experience and ability to leverage our purchasing volumes and China working relationships to bring you environmentally friendly packaging solutions at competitive prices.

We are able to supply your organization 100% biodegradable food packaging products that are custom designed and branded in the following products and materials:

  • Sugarcane (bagasse) tableware
  • Paper PLA cups, food containers and pails
  • PLA cups, containers, lids, tableware and utensils
  • Corn-starch tableware and utensils
  • FSC certified paper bags and packaging
  • Compostable plastic bags and wrappers
  • 60% post consumer food cartons and pizza boxes
  • 100% vegetable based print dyes

Further to our green packing solutions we are also able to offer product materials and processes that offer the latest in green technology.

  • FDA certified biodegradable plastics
  • FDA certified biodegradable bamboo composite melamine
  • GOTS certified 100% cotton textiles
  • Oeko- TEX certified Recycled PET (RPET) textiles
  • Bureau Veritas certified bamboo fibre textiles
  • LED lighting and energy control systems
  • Energy efficient HVAC Hydrocarbon refrigerants

If you would like to learn more about how we can work with you to ‘green’ your supply-chain contact us at info@qsrprocurement.com

We look forwards to hearing from you soon

The team at QSR Procurement